eSubs Testimonials

eSubs is a great piece of technology

eSubs is a great piece of technology. We have been using it at Highlands College now for over 5 years and it has really benefitted our assessment, marking, tracking, standardisation and Internal Verification processes. For tutors it saves valuable time when setting assessments, managing the hand-in process, marking and providing feedback on the work and then completing quality assurance processes. The students benefit from timely feedback on their assignments that they can access from anywhere, they also benefit from keeping track of their assessment commitments and up to date information about the progress they are making against their units.

Recently, eSubs has been upgraded to integrate with Office 365 and this has been extremely useful as it has increased the level of security around file management as well as general file management because the files are stored safely in OneDrive and can be accessed through a secure browser connection without the need to upload/download or print files for marking and internal verification.

At Highlands College there are approximately 30 student groups using eSubs covering over 400 students on courses ranging from Level 1 – Level 3.

Stuart Philip
Director of Teaching & Learning 

The entire team work in unison using the eSubs (online marking system) – the system contains all assessment, verification and marking records as well as the entire student submission ….. I am impressed at the exceptional level of detail in the eSubs system and the tracking – I could dive in per unit, per student and per assessor as well as compare to the LIV tracking.
Andrew SmithSenior BTEC External Verifier
Andrew McGinnigle
Sports Lecturer

Long Live eSubs!

Having come from both paper based assessment methods as well as other assessment management software (Moodle) I can safely say that this is the most organised and efficient solution I have come across. eSubs almost eliminated our need for paper during the entire marking process. From delivery of assignment briefs, collection of student work right through to returning work with general and criteria specific feedback.

I have saved countless hours due to the excellent craftsman ship of this software which has given me more time to focus on my teaching practice and CPD. It also helped immensely in my role as a personal tutor as it allowed me to monitor my learners’ progress on the course as well as their current achievement. This was especially useful to show parents as this gave a really visual and understandable way for them to gage the progress of their child.

Students were also very pleased to have an easy way to see upcoming assignments, feedback from submitted and marked work, briefs for new assignments as well their own progress (always chasing those greens!). Having the feature that allowed them to calculate a possible final grade was also really useful as students could see what they could end up with, how many UCAS points this translated to, and so see which University courses they were eligible for.

The IV process has normally been a chaotic affair but eSubs makes it a breeze! Assignments automatically turn up in the IV section for me to IV, digitally, and then return. This is of course all logged so when it comes to exam board time all the data is there and can be printed or displayed thanks to eSubs top notch reports. Setting assignments to be IV’d was also incredibly quick and easy.

Being able to manage my whole assessment practice using eSubs has taken what was a laborious, complicated, wasteful task into a clean, efficient and stable workflow. I would never wish to return to a life without eSubs!

Matthew Crick
Specialist IT Lecturer  

eSubs saved my life so many times!
Sam GouveiaStudent
Mark and grade from home! Not having to print anything; Get an overview of student progress; Any assignment you have marked can be accessed; Fantastic that you update the grade once and it never has to go into any other databases or spreadsheets.
Frederick TonsbergBusiness Lecturer
Everything is consolidated in one place. I can do my marking anywhere. The IV processes are built in and this saves valuable time and effort.
Stuart TaylorIT Lecturer
It’s incredible, saves hundreds of pounds in paper. The students love it and its easy for them to use.
Dominic GlennonSports Lecturer